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Nurse Leadership Program Developed With Lahey Hospital & Medical Center

The Jean Cunningham Nurse Leadership Institute at Lahey Hospital was created to answer an acute need in healthcare. It serves as a critical resource for hospitals to support and develop their nurse leaders.

Nurse leaders face unprecedented challenges today. The stress of balancing patient care, operational and administrative duties, as well as departmental dynamics, has only been exacerbated by the pandemic.

Colleagues laughing

Program Benefits

Our leadership development process has been strategically developed to ensure long-term, sustainable benefits:

  • Attract & Retain Nurse Talent
  • Elevate the Level of Patient Care
  • Create an Extraordinary Workplace Culture

Proven Process for Leadership Development

NLI’s ground-breaking methodology was created by experts with 30+ years of coaching and clinical experience within healthcare. Far from a prescriptive training exercise, the focus is on individual growth.

Individual Assessment

Objective context for change

Group Sessions

Highly interactive group sessions focused on current issues and case studies

Personalized Coaching

1:1 sessions accelerating organizational impact, achievement of personal goals and career progress

Request More Information

To get more information about Wellesley Partners’ collaboration with Lahey Hospital’s Jean Cunningham Nurse Leadership Institute, please fill the form below.

Request a Free Consultation With a Trained Coach